03.14.2024|Justin SlaughterDominique Little
Voters care about crypto.
While the mainstream media focuses primarily on the November general election horse race, more important structural trends are forming below the surface. One is that American voters increasingly understand the importance of crypto. They’re buying it, they’re holding it, and they understand its value.
Below, we share the results of a recent poll of 1000 registered voters Paradigm conducted a few weeks ago. As you’ll see, policymakers looking toward the future should be learning about crypto. Crypto is increasingly not just a part of our technology ecosystem but of our financial system, our economy, and our politics. Large numbers of voters are looking for policymakers who can boldly light a path forward on crypto policy.
Takeaway 1: Crypto is the best option for those left behind by traditional financial institutions. In a world where 69% of Americans are dissatisfied with the current financial system, folks are turning to other options where they have the power — instead of big banks.
Takeaway 2: 19% of American registered voters say they’ve bought crypto.
Takeaway 3: Ownership of crypto is even higher among communities of color and among the young.
Takeaway 4: Notably, crypto ownership is greatest among college graduates, with 26% owning crypto.
Takeaway 5: Millions of voters own more than a small amount of crypto
Takeaway 6: Americans have noticed the option to buy Bitcoin spot ETFs in a big way.
Takeaway 7: Americans don’t trust either party when it comes to crypto.
Takeaway 8: Crypto holders make up a good percentage of the current voting bloc, and it’s time elected officials take notice.
The above poll was conducted by Public Opinion Strategies. Data was collected nationally from February 28th to March 4th. Sample size = 1000 registered voters polled online with a margin of error of 3.5%.
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